Is the ridesharing company planning to roll driverless trucks through Barstow
and Mojave?
Uber recently acquired Otto, a self-driving truck startup that plans to double the size of its fleet. Beginning next year, the firm plans to partner with shipping companies to gradually roll out the technology. Ultimately, the Uber-Otto conglomerate hopes to completely re-make the industry; insiders predict that self-driving trucks will eliminate driver shortage issues and also increase margins by increasing efficiency.
Most experts predict that self-driving large trucks are about two decades away, and even then, they may have human drivers to load and unload cargo.
Trucker Tickets
When self-driving trucks finally become a reality, officers will most likely focus on non-moving violations, like equipment infractions. Currently, most courts dismiss such citations once the drivers address the deficiency, but that practice will most likely fall by the wayside one day.
CHP officers and DMV inspectors already write lots of overweight tickets, so expanding this practice should not be much of an issue. Depending on the weight, these citations can cost several thousand dollars, and although the inspectors typically give drivers a chance to rearrange their loads or offload some cargo, these protocols are strictly voluntary.
As for moving violations, drivers should look out for:
Speeding: There’s a steep downslope on the Kern County side of the Grapevine, and there are nearly always friendly CHP officers on scene to gently remind truckers to follow the speed limit.
Lane Violation: Further along the Grapevine the traffic gets thicker, so it becomes harder to stay in a designated lane and also stay on schedule.
An aggressive lawyer can fight both moving and non-moving violations, to keep money in your pocket and points off your license.
Getting Legal Help
The aggressive attorneys at Bigger & Harman, APC, are committed to giving individuals a voice when dealing with speeding and traffic tickets. Call today at 661-349-9300 or email to receive the personal professional attention you deserve. En español, llame al 661-349-9755.