Highway 99 is one of the main trucker routes providing fruit and vegetables
to the nation. For most of Hwy 99 in Kern, Tulare, and Fresno Counties,
the speed limit is 70 MPH for private vehicles. But for truck drivers,
the speed under VC 22406(a) is 55 MPH and the limit is heavily enforced.
Oftentimes truckers have to make the decision on whether they should go a little faster to limit the chance of being rear ended by a faster moving vehicle, or to strictly obey the law. With many drivers being written up for as low as 5 MPH over the speed limit, it’s important to realize what consequences Class A drivers face for a violation of VC 22406(a) or another moving infraction in California.
Vehicle Code and Truck Drivers
Although these charges are obviously much more serious than a traffic violation, the incident does underscore the fact that laws sometimes apply differently to commercial drivers. The California Vehicle Code is no exception.
First, there are the licensing requirements themselves. In addition to a road test and a written test, commercial drivers must submit medical reports and various other papers. Some of these requirements can be waived in some circumstances; for example, some military veterans may be able to skip the road test.
Once they are pulled over, traffic tickets are more serious. Commercial drivers accumulate points at 50 percent the normal rate, so a two-point violation becomes a three-point violation. This formula applies whether the drivers were in their commercial or personal vehicles.
Finally, commercial drivers in Porterville and Delano are ineligible for traffic school when driving their big rig. Even where traffic school is allowed for violations in their private vehicle, the conviction will not be kept confidential from the feds, employers and insurance agents. Commercial drivers should enlist an experienced lawyer who can get the charges and/or fine and points reduced to keep their record as clean as possible.
Getting Legal Help
The aggressive lawyers at Bigger & Harman, APC, are committed to giving individuals a voice when dealing with speeding and traffic tickets. Call today at 661-859-1177 or email attorney@markbigger.com to receive the personal professional attention you deserve. En español, llame al 661-376-0214.