Outgoing China Lake NAWS Commander
Capt. Rich Wiley leaves the Ridgecrest area with mixed reflections on his record as base CO.
When Capt. Wiley took over in February 2014, his top three priorities were base security, infrastructure, and resource conservation. He says that the base is more prepared for an emergency than it was when he took over. As for infrastructure improvements, Capt. Wiley points out that some facilities have been upgraded, such as the golf course, but work remains in many areas, such as the base runways, the 1940s-era gym, and the outdated child development center. Finally, although base water consumption has dropped 50 percent during his tenure, Capt. Wiley said the base could do better. He said he would miss the people at China Lake, and the flyovers, most of all.
Capt. Paul Dale took the reins as new base CO on December 7, 2016.
Federal Traffic Ticket
During Capt. Wiley’s tenure, base MPs have remained as active as ever when it comes to issuing traffic citations. Federal citations are different from state ones in several ways. For example, there are no “fix-it” citations for non-moving violations in the federal system, so judges don’t automatically dismiss expired sticker and other infractions upon proof of compliance. addition to the fine, penalty assessments, and points, traffic tickets normally affect base privileges.
All federal citations go to the federal courthouse in Bakersfield, and it’s difficult to get the mandatory appearance waived and avoid a point without counsel appearing for the defendant.
Getting Legal Help
The aggressive attorneys at Bigger & Harman, APC, are committed to giving individuals a voice when dealing with speeding and traffic tickets. Call today at 661-349-9300 or email attorney@markbigger.com to receive the personal professional attention you deserve. En español, llame al 661-349-9755.
Federal traffic tickets are much harder to deal with than state citations, but at Bigger & Harman, we’re up to the challenge. Call us today.