Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

undefinedThe average California driver will walk into the Tulare County Courthouse at Porterville or Visalia and hand over the fine for speeding without a second thought.

They often believe paying the fine is cheaper and more convenient than contesting it. However, they fail to add the increased cost of auto insurance after a paid fine for even one minor infraction like speeding. 

Hint: The fine is typically only one-third as much as the increased insurance premium.

Hiring a speeding ticket lawyer to represent you in court to resolve your speeding violation allegation has multiple benefits. Let’s take a look at some of those.  

Understanding Traffic Code

The CA traffic code is complex and changes frequently. This can make it difficult for the layperson without a legal background to understand or appreciate how valuable that knowledge is during a traffic court proceeding.

Many drivers know they have a right to confront their accuser, the law enforcement officer (LEO) who issued the ticket, but would you know when asking the judge for dismissal is appropriate? 

Traffic attorneys or speeding lawyers sit through hundreds or thousands of trials annually, they stay current on updates and changes and know when to make requests that could affect your case.     

Protecting Your Motor Vehicle Driving Record

When a driver is convicted of speeding — even when eligible for traffic violator school (TVS) — it can have a long-term effect. Although attending TVS might keep your guilty plea confidential, a second conviction or paid fine within three years could put you over the four negligent operator treatment system (NOTS) allowed that year, the six allowed for two years, or the eight you might accumulate in three years.

When you accumulate too many NOTS points, you must request a DMV NOTS Hearing to keep them from suspending your driving privileges for six months with a concurrent twelve-month probation.

By hiring a speeding ticket lawyer, you maximize the odds of minimal impact on your driving record.    

Hiring a Speeding Ticket Lawyer Could Mean Reduced Fines & Penalties

Many drivers do not even know what’s possible regarding reduced penalties, let alone when and how to negotiate with the traffic court judge to get them. 

While no lawyer should promise a reduced fine or penalty, hiring a speeding ticket lawyer increases your odds of gaining a successful result — only a traffic court judge can guarantee the outcome. 

A lawyer can analyze procedural flaws and technicalities that might invalidate a ticket or negotiate a no-point alternative that keeps your insurance premium stable. A speeding ticket lawyer could request approval for TVS even when you were going too fast. 

Access to Experts, Records, & Resources

Although you can subpoena calibration and training records, most drivers have no idea where to start. Therefore, it could be advantageous to hire a knowledgeable and experienced lawyer to strengthen your request for dismissal.

Increase the Odds of Dismissal or Reduced Charge

Once again, while there are no guarantees, legal representation significantly increases your odds of getting a reduced charge or dismissal. 

Peace of Mind

Possibly the most significant reason for hiring a speeding ticket lawyer is the peace of mind you have knowing a professional is handling your case. 

Sure, you could self-represent and maybe achieve the same results. However, the odds are not in your favor. Statistically, the layperson who hires a speeding ticket attorney gets better results.

Contact Bigger & Harman About Disputing Your Speeding Ticket in Tulare County  

When you consider hiring a speeding ticket lawyer to dispute your speeding ticket in Porterville or Visalia Courthouse in Tulare County, contact Bigger & Harman, APC. Give us a call at (661) 349-9300. Se habla Español (661) 349-9755.

Use the contact form to schedule a consultation, or email us at


The article, Average cost of car insurance in CA for 2023.

The CA Driver Handbook English y Español.

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